List of Publications
[32] Monger, C. Aburto, F. Itkin, D. Csakine, M.E. 2024. Soil classification as a tool for contributing to sustainability at the landscape scale and forecasting impacts of management practices in agriculture and forestry. Soil and Tillage Research.
[31] Duarte *,E. Rubilar, R. Matus, F. Garrido-Ruiz, C. Merino, C. Smith-Ramirez, C. Aburto, F. Rojas, C. Stehr,A. Dörner,J. Nájera, F. Barrientos, G. Jofré, I. 2024. Drought and Wildfire Trends in Native Forests of South-Central Chile in the 21st Century. Fire 7(7), 230
[30] Wang, X. Ganzert, L. Bartholomäus, A. Yang, S. Merino, C. Matus, F. Albornoz, M. F. Aburto, F. Oses, R. Friedl, T. Wagner, D*. 2024. The Effects of Climate and Soil Depth on Bacterial Communities along a Longitudinal Gradient in Chile. Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN).
[29] 1.- Leal, F. Aguilera, D. Echeverria, C. Paula, G. Aburto, F.* 2024 Forest Degradation Hinders Soil Fauna’s Contribution to Litter Decomposition and Community Dynamics in Andean Temperate Nothofagus Forests. Applied Soil Ecology.
[28] Waterhouse, H. Aburto, F. Rees, G. Griffin-LaHue, D. E. Salls, W.B. Rippner, D.A. Tian,Z. Scow, K. O’Geen, A.T. 2023 Diversified vegetation types on rangelands promote soil multifunctionality. Land Degradation and Development.
[27] Wyatt, B. Aburto, F. Howe, J. Smith, A.P. 2023. Benefits and challenges of online teaching: Lessons and perspectives gained during the COVID-19 pandemic. Natural Sciences Education.
[26] Erazo-Mora, K#. Montalvan-Burbano, N. Aburto, F. Matus-Baeza, F. Jofre, I. Duran-Cuevas, P. Dorner, J. Dippold, M. Merino, C*. 2023. Four Decades in Fires Research - a Bibliometric Analysis About the Impact on Mineralogy and Nutrients. Catena.
[25] Matus, F.* Mendoza, D. Najera, F. Merino, C. Kuziakov, Y. Wilheim, K. Boy, J. Aburto, F. Jofré, I. Dippold, M. 2023. Freezing-Thawing Cycles Affect Organic Matter Decomposition in Periglacial Maritime Antarctic Soils. Biogeochemistry.
[24] Leal, F. Aburto, F.*, Aguilera, N. Echeverria, C. Gatica-Saavedra, P. 2023 Forest degradation modifies litter production, quality, and decomposition dynamics in Southern Temperate Forests. Frontiers in Soil Science. Sec. Soil Biogeochemistry & Nutrient Cycling. DOI: 10.3389/fsoil.2023.1111694
[23] Gatica-Saavedra, P*. Aburto, F.*, Rojas, P. and Echeverría, C. 2023. Soil health indicators for monitoring forest ecological restoration: a critical review. Restoration Ecology.
[22] Calabrese, S*. Wild, B. Bertagni, M.B. Bourg, I.C. White, C. Aburto, F. Cipolla, G., Noto L.V., and Porporato A. 2022. Nano- to Global-Scale Uncertainties in Terrestrial Enhanced Weathering. Environmental Science and Technology Letters Perspective.
[21] Atenas Navarrete, A. Aburto, F.* González-Rocha, G. Merino Guzmán, C. Schmidt, R. Scow, K. 2022. Anthropogenic degradation alter surface soil biogeochemical pools and microbial communities in an Andean temperate forest. Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN).
[20] Spohn, M*. Diáková, K. Aburto, F. Doetterl, S. Borovec, J. 2022. Sorption and desorption of organic matter in soils as affected by phosphate. Geoderma. Vol. 405 (1) January 2022, 115377.
[19] Spohn M*. Aburto F. Ehlers, T.A. Farwig N. Frings P.J. Hartmann H., Hoffmann T., Larsen A. Oelmann Y. 2021. Terrestrial ecosystems buffer inputs through storage and recycling of elements. Biogeochemistry.
[18] Crovo, O. Aburto, F.* Da Costa, C., Montecino, O., y Rodriguez, R. 2021 Effects of Livestock grazing reduces soil quality and threatens recovery of a degraded Andean Araucaria forest. Land Degradation and Development.
[17] Oelmann, Y*.; Leimer, S.; Roscher, D.; Aburto, F.; Alt, F.; Berner, D.; Boch,S.; Boeddinghaus, R.S.; Busch, V.; Buscot, F.; Ebeling, A.; Eisenhauer, N.; Fischer, M.; Gleixner, G.; Hacker, N.; Hölzel, N.; Jochum,M.; Kandeler, E.; Klaus, V.H.; Kleinebecker, T.; Lange, M.; Le Provost, G.; Manning, P.; Marhan, S.; Prati, D.; Schäfer, D.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Sorkau, E.; Wagg, C.; Wubet, T.; Wilcke, W. 2021. Above- and belowground biodiversity jointly tighten the P cycle. Nature Communications.
[16] Calderon-Orellana, A.*, Silva, D. Bastias, R.M. Bambach, N. Aburto, F. 2021. Late-season plastic covering delays the occurrence of severe water stress and improves intrinsic water use efficiency and fruit quality in kiwifruit vines. Agriculture Water Management.Vol. 249 (30)
[15] Crovo, O.; Aburto, F*.; Albornoz, M. F.; Southard, R. 2021. Soil type modulates the response of C, N, P stocks and stoichiometry after native forest substitution by exotic plantations. Catena.
[14] Castillo, P., Serra, I., Townley, B.*, Aburto, F., Lopez, S., Tapia, J., Contreras, M. 2021. Biogeochemistry of plant essential mineral nutrients across rock, soil, water and fruits in vineyards of Central Chile. Catena. DOI:
[13] Urbina, M., Correa, F., Aburto F. and Ferrio, J. P*. 2020. Food crops wrapped in plastic: Adsorption of polyethylene microbeads and physiological effects on Maize. Science of the Total Environment.
[12] Aburto, F., Rubilar, F*., Cartes, E., y Mardones, O. 2020. Soil erosion and mobility under native forests and radiate pine stands of contrasting age in a granitic soil of the Biobío Region, Chile. Land Degradation and Development. DOI:
[11] Zúñiga, P.E. Castañeda, Y. Arrey-Salas, O. Fuentes,L. Aburto, F. Figueroa, C.R. 2020. Methyl jasmonate applications from flowering to ripe fruit stages of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa X ‘Camarosa’) reinforce the fruit antioxidant response at postharvest. Frontiers in Plant Sciences.
[10] Spohn, M.*; Zeißig, I.; Brucker, E.; Widdig, M.; Lacher, U.; Aburto, F. 2020. Phosphorus solubilization in the rhizosphere in two saprolites with contrasting phosphorus fractions. Geoderma.
[9] Pfeiffer, M.; Padarian, J.; Osorio, R.; Bustamante, N.; Olmedo G.F., Guevara,M.; Aburto, F.; Anitlen, M;….Zagal, E. 2019. CHLSOC: The Chilean Soil Organic Carbon database, a multi-institutional collaborative effort. Earth System Science Data.
[8] Calderon, A. Bambach, N, Aburto, F. Calderon, M. 2018. Water Deficits Synchronize Color Development among Berries in Crimson Seedless. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 70(1). Grapevines. DOI: 10.5344/ajev.2018.17070
[7] Bernhard, N., Moskwa, L.-M., Schmidt, K., Oeser, R. A., Aburto, F., Bader, M. Y., ...Ehlers, T. A.,... & Kühn, P. 2018. Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography: new insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile. Catena.170, 335-355
[6] Bernhard, N., Moskwa, L.-M., Schmidt, K., Oeser, R. A., Aburto, F…Kühn, P. (2018): Data supplement to "Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography: New insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile".
[5] Aburto, F. and Southard, R. Refined Geomorphologic Interpretation of Glacial Deposits using Combined Soil Development Indices and LiDAR Terrain Analysis. 2017. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 81(1):109–123. DOI: doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.07.0211
[4] León-Muñoz, J. Echeverria, C., Fuentes, R., Aburto, F. 2017. How is the land use-cover changing in drinking water catchments in the coastal range of south-central Chile (35º – 38.5ºS)?. Bosque 38(1):203-209. DOI: 10.4067/S0717-92002017000100020.
[3] Aburto, F. and Southard, R. 2016. Thermal Analysis quantification of gibbsite and kaolinite in bulk soils and applications as a relative dating tool in two moraine chronosequences. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 80 (2) :502-515.
[2] Pfeiffer, M., Aburto, F., Le Roux, J.P., Kemnitz, H. Sedov, S. Solleiro-Rebolledo, E. Seguel, O. 2012. Development of a Pleistocene calcrete over a sequence of marine terraces at Tongoy (north-central Chile) and its palaeoenvironmental implications. Catena. Volume 97,0,104-118.
[1] Pfeiffer, M., Mascayano, C., Aburto, F. 2010. Soils of Chilean Patagonia in glacial and periglacial environments. Eurasian Soil Science. Volume 43, Number 13, 1430-1438.
[31] Duarte *,E. Rubilar, R. Matus, F. Garrido-Ruiz, C. Merino, C. Smith-Ramirez, C. Aburto, F. Rojas, C. Stehr,A. Dörner,J. Nájera, F. Barrientos, G. Jofré, I. 2024. Drought and Wildfire Trends in Native Forests of South-Central Chile in the 21st Century. Fire 7(7), 230
[30] Wang, X. Ganzert, L. Bartholomäus, A. Yang, S. Merino, C. Matus, F. Albornoz, M. F. Aburto, F. Oses, R. Friedl, T. Wagner, D*. 2024. The Effects of Climate and Soil Depth on Bacterial Communities along a Longitudinal Gradient in Chile. Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN).
[29] 1.- Leal, F. Aguilera, D. Echeverria, C. Paula, G. Aburto, F.* 2024 Forest Degradation Hinders Soil Fauna’s Contribution to Litter Decomposition and Community Dynamics in Andean Temperate Nothofagus Forests. Applied Soil Ecology.
[28] Waterhouse, H. Aburto, F. Rees, G. Griffin-LaHue, D. E. Salls, W.B. Rippner, D.A. Tian,Z. Scow, K. O’Geen, A.T. 2023 Diversified vegetation types on rangelands promote soil multifunctionality. Land Degradation and Development.
[27] Wyatt, B. Aburto, F. Howe, J. Smith, A.P. 2023. Benefits and challenges of online teaching: Lessons and perspectives gained during the COVID-19 pandemic. Natural Sciences Education.
[26] Erazo-Mora, K#. Montalvan-Burbano, N. Aburto, F. Matus-Baeza, F. Jofre, I. Duran-Cuevas, P. Dorner, J. Dippold, M. Merino, C*. 2023. Four Decades in Fires Research - a Bibliometric Analysis About the Impact on Mineralogy and Nutrients. Catena.
[25] Matus, F.* Mendoza, D. Najera, F. Merino, C. Kuziakov, Y. Wilheim, K. Boy, J. Aburto, F. Jofré, I. Dippold, M. 2023. Freezing-Thawing Cycles Affect Organic Matter Decomposition in Periglacial Maritime Antarctic Soils. Biogeochemistry.
[24] Leal, F. Aburto, F.*, Aguilera, N. Echeverria, C. Gatica-Saavedra, P. 2023 Forest degradation modifies litter production, quality, and decomposition dynamics in Southern Temperate Forests. Frontiers in Soil Science. Sec. Soil Biogeochemistry & Nutrient Cycling. DOI: 10.3389/fsoil.2023.1111694
[23] Gatica-Saavedra, P*. Aburto, F.*, Rojas, P. and Echeverría, C. 2023. Soil health indicators for monitoring forest ecological restoration: a critical review. Restoration Ecology.
[22] Calabrese, S*. Wild, B. Bertagni, M.B. Bourg, I.C. White, C. Aburto, F. Cipolla, G., Noto L.V., and Porporato A. 2022. Nano- to Global-Scale Uncertainties in Terrestrial Enhanced Weathering. Environmental Science and Technology Letters Perspective.
[21] Atenas Navarrete, A. Aburto, F.* González-Rocha, G. Merino Guzmán, C. Schmidt, R. Scow, K. 2022. Anthropogenic degradation alter surface soil biogeochemical pools and microbial communities in an Andean temperate forest. Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN).
[20] Spohn, M*. Diáková, K. Aburto, F. Doetterl, S. Borovec, J. 2022. Sorption and desorption of organic matter in soils as affected by phosphate. Geoderma. Vol. 405 (1) January 2022, 115377.
[19] Spohn M*. Aburto F. Ehlers, T.A. Farwig N. Frings P.J. Hartmann H., Hoffmann T., Larsen A. Oelmann Y. 2021. Terrestrial ecosystems buffer inputs through storage and recycling of elements. Biogeochemistry.
[18] Crovo, O. Aburto, F.* Da Costa, C., Montecino, O., y Rodriguez, R. 2021 Effects of Livestock grazing reduces soil quality and threatens recovery of a degraded Andean Araucaria forest. Land Degradation and Development.
[17] Oelmann, Y*.; Leimer, S.; Roscher, D.; Aburto, F.; Alt, F.; Berner, D.; Boch,S.; Boeddinghaus, R.S.; Busch, V.; Buscot, F.; Ebeling, A.; Eisenhauer, N.; Fischer, M.; Gleixner, G.; Hacker, N.; Hölzel, N.; Jochum,M.; Kandeler, E.; Klaus, V.H.; Kleinebecker, T.; Lange, M.; Le Provost, G.; Manning, P.; Marhan, S.; Prati, D.; Schäfer, D.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Sorkau, E.; Wagg, C.; Wubet, T.; Wilcke, W. 2021. Above- and belowground biodiversity jointly tighten the P cycle. Nature Communications.
[16] Calderon-Orellana, A.*, Silva, D. Bastias, R.M. Bambach, N. Aburto, F. 2021. Late-season plastic covering delays the occurrence of severe water stress and improves intrinsic water use efficiency and fruit quality in kiwifruit vines. Agriculture Water Management.Vol. 249 (30)
[15] Crovo, O.; Aburto, F*.; Albornoz, M. F.; Southard, R. 2021. Soil type modulates the response of C, N, P stocks and stoichiometry after native forest substitution by exotic plantations. Catena.
[14] Castillo, P., Serra, I., Townley, B.*, Aburto, F., Lopez, S., Tapia, J., Contreras, M. 2021. Biogeochemistry of plant essential mineral nutrients across rock, soil, water and fruits in vineyards of Central Chile. Catena. DOI:
[13] Urbina, M., Correa, F., Aburto F. and Ferrio, J. P*. 2020. Food crops wrapped in plastic: Adsorption of polyethylene microbeads and physiological effects on Maize. Science of the Total Environment.
[12] Aburto, F., Rubilar, F*., Cartes, E., y Mardones, O. 2020. Soil erosion and mobility under native forests and radiate pine stands of contrasting age in a granitic soil of the Biobío Region, Chile. Land Degradation and Development. DOI:
[11] Zúñiga, P.E. Castañeda, Y. Arrey-Salas, O. Fuentes,L. Aburto, F. Figueroa, C.R. 2020. Methyl jasmonate applications from flowering to ripe fruit stages of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa X ‘Camarosa’) reinforce the fruit antioxidant response at postharvest. Frontiers in Plant Sciences.
[10] Spohn, M.*; Zeißig, I.; Brucker, E.; Widdig, M.; Lacher, U.; Aburto, F. 2020. Phosphorus solubilization in the rhizosphere in two saprolites with contrasting phosphorus fractions. Geoderma.
[9] Pfeiffer, M.; Padarian, J.; Osorio, R.; Bustamante, N.; Olmedo G.F., Guevara,M.; Aburto, F.; Anitlen, M;….Zagal, E. 2019. CHLSOC: The Chilean Soil Organic Carbon database, a multi-institutional collaborative effort. Earth System Science Data.
[8] Calderon, A. Bambach, N, Aburto, F. Calderon, M. 2018. Water Deficits Synchronize Color Development among Berries in Crimson Seedless. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 70(1). Grapevines. DOI: 10.5344/ajev.2018.17070
[7] Bernhard, N., Moskwa, L.-M., Schmidt, K., Oeser, R. A., Aburto, F., Bader, M. Y., ...Ehlers, T. A.,... & Kühn, P. 2018. Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography: new insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile. Catena.170, 335-355
[6] Bernhard, N., Moskwa, L.-M., Schmidt, K., Oeser, R. A., Aburto, F…Kühn, P. (2018): Data supplement to "Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography: New insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile".
[5] Aburto, F. and Southard, R. Refined Geomorphologic Interpretation of Glacial Deposits using Combined Soil Development Indices and LiDAR Terrain Analysis. 2017. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 81(1):109–123. DOI: doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.07.0211
[4] León-Muñoz, J. Echeverria, C., Fuentes, R., Aburto, F. 2017. How is the land use-cover changing in drinking water catchments in the coastal range of south-central Chile (35º – 38.5ºS)?. Bosque 38(1):203-209. DOI: 10.4067/S0717-92002017000100020.
[3] Aburto, F. and Southard, R. 2016. Thermal Analysis quantification of gibbsite and kaolinite in bulk soils and applications as a relative dating tool in two moraine chronosequences. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 80 (2) :502-515.
[2] Pfeiffer, M., Aburto, F., Le Roux, J.P., Kemnitz, H. Sedov, S. Solleiro-Rebolledo, E. Seguel, O. 2012. Development of a Pleistocene calcrete over a sequence of marine terraces at Tongoy (north-central Chile) and its palaeoenvironmental implications. Catena. Volume 97,0,104-118.
[1] Pfeiffer, M., Mascayano, C., Aburto, F. 2010. Soils of Chilean Patagonia in glacial and periglacial environments. Eurasian Soil Science. Volume 43, Number 13, 1430-1438.
Visit Dr. Aburto's Personal Sites:
Role - Project title and funding agency
Co-PI, Support small scale limited resources farmers for climate-smart commodities using innovative approaches. RFP # USDA-NRCS-COMM-22-NOFO0001139. Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities. Total amount requested: $ 4,997,300 (TAMU: $822,156). PI: Ray, R. (Prairie View A&M) TAMU's PI: N. Rayan, Co-PI: F. Aburto (recently announced)
Co-PI, Biotic and abiotic oxidation and reduction of iron and manganese sources over soil formation after glacier retreat in King Georqe Island. INACH RT 12-21. PI: C. Merino
Co-PI, FiRING: Multiscale effects of extreme forest fires on erosion, water, and biogeochemical cycles in natural and managed forest soils. Anillos Program of Scientific Research and Technology 2021 ACT210060 ANID (National Agency of Research and Technological Innovation). Directors: Matus, F. Merino, Co-PI: Aburto, F. Rubilar, R. Stehr, A.
Co-PI, Biotic and abiotic oxidation mechanisms of organic matter in humid temperate forest soils in fluctuating redox microsites. ANID (National Agency of Research and Technological Innovation) FONDECYT Regular. PI: Merino, C. Co-PIs: Aburto, F. Dorner, J. Jofre, I. Matus, F.
Co-PI, Ferrous wheel coupled to nitrate reduction as a mechanism for nitrogen retention in temperate rainforest soils FONDECYT Regular. PI: Matus, F. CoI: Aburto, F. Dorner, J. Jofre, I. Merino, C.
Principal Investigator, ForCARe, Forest Carbon Associative Research: Quantifying the effect of forest use intensification on soil carbon stabilization processes. International Cooperation Program (PCI) N 190022 ANID (National Agency of Research and Technological Innovation) - Max Planck Institute, Germany . PI: Aburto, F. Co-PI: Trumbore, S. and Sierra, C.
Academic Sponsor, BIOWEATH: Biotic controls on Fe and Al dynamics during deep mineral weathering processes. National Fund for Research and Technology (FONDECYT) Postdoctoral 2019 N 330534. PI: Albornoz, F. Sponsor: Aburto, F.
Co-Director (Investigator since 10/2021), Ecological Restoration - Plan and Implementation Ralco Hydroelectrical Power Plant. Research Contract Enel- UdeC. PI: Echeverria, C. and Aburto, F.
Collaborator, Biogeochemistry: Microbial element cycling as a driver of soil formation. Deep Earthshape - Project 12. German Science Foundation. DFG-SPP Program 1803-2. EARTHSHAPE Earth Surface Shaping by Biota. (Phase 2). PI: Spohn, M. Collaborator: Aburto, F. (U. Bayreuth, Germany).
Collaborator, Connecting the green and the grey world: an experimental approach to separating climate, vegetation and geochemical effects on nutrient cycling along a climate gradient. German Science Foundation. DFG-SPP 1803-2. EARTHSHAPE Earth Surface Shaping by Biota. (Phase 2). Project 2 PI: Oelmann, Y. Neidhar, H, Tielbörger, K., Collaborators: Aburto, F. and Caviedes, L.
Collaborator, Biogeomorphic feedbacks and their role for sediment erosion and connectivity along a climatic gradient in Chile. German Science Foundation. DFG-SPP Program 1803. DFG-SPP 1803-2 EARTHSHAPE Earth Surface Shaping by Biota. (Phase 2). Project 6. PI: Hoffmann, T. (BFG y U. Bonn, Germany), Co.PI: Schrott, L., Eichel, J. Schmidtlein, Collaborators: S. Aburto, F. Mao, L . Lopatin, J.
Director, Research and Revegetation Implementation Bocamina Thermoelectric Plant fly-ash landfill. . Research Contract Enel-UdeC. PI: Aburto, F. Echeverria, C.
Collaborator, FIBN 018/2019 Design and evaluation of ecological restoration in degraded Araucaria araucana forests in the Andes and Nahuelbuta cordilleran. X National Fund for Native Forest Research (FIBN), National Forest Corporation (CONAF).. PI: Gatica, P Collaborators: Echeverria, C. Aburto, F.
Collaborator, FIBN 036/2018 Ecological restoration strategies in Acacia melanoxylon invaded ecosystems in the coast of Biobio Region. National Fund for Native Forest Research (FIBN), – National Forest Corporation (CONAF). PI: Cristian Echeverria, Collaborators: Aburto, F. Schmidt, C., Gatica, P.
Director, Research Project – Revegetation Pilot Plan Implementation of fly-ash landfill Bocamina Thermoelectric Plant. Research Contract ENEL – UDEC. Aburto, F. and Echeverria, C.
Principal Investigator, Effects of soil mineral -organic interactions on the long-term soil carbon stability in temperate forest systems -To what extent does soil mineralogy modulates carbon turnover in natural and managed forest ecosystems? CONICYT (National Committee of Research and Technology) – National Fund for Research and Innovation FONDECYT Initiation 2016. PI: Aburto, F.
Collaborator, Effect of drying and thawing cycles on soil carbon sequestration along soil development gradients formed in extreme environments of Chile. Network for Extreme Environment Research (NEXER). Ministry of Education. PI: Francisco Matus (UFRO) Merino, C, Aburto, F., Arriagada, C. ,Godoy, R., Boy, J., Lavín, P. Manosalva, Radic, S., L. Valdes, J., Valle,S.
Director, CONAF. Phase II: Anthropic disturbances effect evaluation in the regeneration of endangered Araucaria Araucana, Biobío Region. National Forest Corporation (CONAF). Aburto, F., Rodriguez, R., Muller, B.
Collaborator, Characterization of seasonal water use, plant water relations, microclimate conditions, fruit quality, and orchard productivity in protected cultivation of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa): Responses to sustained deficit irrigation in commercial production. National Committee for Research and Technology (CONICYT)- National Fund for Research and Innovation (FONDECYT) Initiation. PI: Arturo Calderón. Collaborator: Aburto, F. and Bambach, N.
Collaborator, Phosphorus solubilization by microorganisms and plants at different stages of soil development. German Science Foundation DFG-SPP Program 1803. EARTHSHAPE Earth Surface Shaping by Biota. Project IV Bioscapes: Project 10. PI: M, Spohn. University of Bayreuth.
Principal Investigator, Use of environmental compensation mechanisms for ecosystem services restoration through reforestation of native species (Roble, Raulí y Coihue). National Electric Company (ENEL) S.A. and University of Concepción. PI: Aburto, F., Echeverria, C.
Co-Coordinator Incorporation of an IRMS platform for isotopic and nutritional determination to evaluate forest hydrological and nutritional sustainability. National Committee of Research and Technology (CONICYT), Equipment National Fund (FONDEQUIP). Coordinators: R. Rubilar and F. Aburto. Fac. Cs. Forestales, UdeC.
Collaborator, Deficit irrigation and eddy covariance to increase water use efficiency in table grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Red Globe in the Metropolitan Region, Chile. National Committee of Research and Technology (CONICYT) Associative research program (PIA) 821320062 PI: A. Calderón (UdeC). Collaborator: Aburto, F.
Principal Investigator, Evaluation of Anthropic disturbances effects in the regeneration of endangered Araucaria Araucana, Biobío Region. National Forest Corporation (CONAF). PI: Aburto, F. Co-PI: Rodriguez, R. Real, P. Muller, B.
Co-PI, Support small scale limited resources farmers for climate-smart commodities using innovative approaches. RFP # USDA-NRCS-COMM-22-NOFO0001139. Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities. Total amount requested: $ 4,997,300 (TAMU: $822,156). PI: Ray, R. (Prairie View A&M) TAMU's PI: N. Rayan, Co-PI: F. Aburto (recently announced)
Co-PI, Biotic and abiotic oxidation and reduction of iron and manganese sources over soil formation after glacier retreat in King Georqe Island. INACH RT 12-21. PI: C. Merino
Co-PI, FiRING: Multiscale effects of extreme forest fires on erosion, water, and biogeochemical cycles in natural and managed forest soils. Anillos Program of Scientific Research and Technology 2021 ACT210060 ANID (National Agency of Research and Technological Innovation). Directors: Matus, F. Merino, Co-PI: Aburto, F. Rubilar, R. Stehr, A.
Co-PI, Biotic and abiotic oxidation mechanisms of organic matter in humid temperate forest soils in fluctuating redox microsites. ANID (National Agency of Research and Technological Innovation) FONDECYT Regular. PI: Merino, C. Co-PIs: Aburto, F. Dorner, J. Jofre, I. Matus, F.
Co-PI, Ferrous wheel coupled to nitrate reduction as a mechanism for nitrogen retention in temperate rainforest soils FONDECYT Regular. PI: Matus, F. CoI: Aburto, F. Dorner, J. Jofre, I. Merino, C.
Principal Investigator, ForCARe, Forest Carbon Associative Research: Quantifying the effect of forest use intensification on soil carbon stabilization processes. International Cooperation Program (PCI) N 190022 ANID (National Agency of Research and Technological Innovation) - Max Planck Institute, Germany . PI: Aburto, F. Co-PI: Trumbore, S. and Sierra, C.
Academic Sponsor, BIOWEATH: Biotic controls on Fe and Al dynamics during deep mineral weathering processes. National Fund for Research and Technology (FONDECYT) Postdoctoral 2019 N 330534. PI: Albornoz, F. Sponsor: Aburto, F.
Co-Director (Investigator since 10/2021), Ecological Restoration - Plan and Implementation Ralco Hydroelectrical Power Plant. Research Contract Enel- UdeC. PI: Echeverria, C. and Aburto, F.
Collaborator, Biogeochemistry: Microbial element cycling as a driver of soil formation. Deep Earthshape - Project 12. German Science Foundation. DFG-SPP Program 1803-2. EARTHSHAPE Earth Surface Shaping by Biota. (Phase 2). PI: Spohn, M. Collaborator: Aburto, F. (U. Bayreuth, Germany).
Collaborator, Connecting the green and the grey world: an experimental approach to separating climate, vegetation and geochemical effects on nutrient cycling along a climate gradient. German Science Foundation. DFG-SPP 1803-2. EARTHSHAPE Earth Surface Shaping by Biota. (Phase 2). Project 2 PI: Oelmann, Y. Neidhar, H, Tielbörger, K., Collaborators: Aburto, F. and Caviedes, L.
Collaborator, Biogeomorphic feedbacks and their role for sediment erosion and connectivity along a climatic gradient in Chile. German Science Foundation. DFG-SPP Program 1803. DFG-SPP 1803-2 EARTHSHAPE Earth Surface Shaping by Biota. (Phase 2). Project 6. PI: Hoffmann, T. (BFG y U. Bonn, Germany), Co.PI: Schrott, L., Eichel, J. Schmidtlein, Collaborators: S. Aburto, F. Mao, L . Lopatin, J.
Director, Research and Revegetation Implementation Bocamina Thermoelectric Plant fly-ash landfill. . Research Contract Enel-UdeC. PI: Aburto, F. Echeverria, C.
Collaborator, FIBN 018/2019 Design and evaluation of ecological restoration in degraded Araucaria araucana forests in the Andes and Nahuelbuta cordilleran. X National Fund for Native Forest Research (FIBN), National Forest Corporation (CONAF).. PI: Gatica, P Collaborators: Echeverria, C. Aburto, F.
Collaborator, FIBN 036/2018 Ecological restoration strategies in Acacia melanoxylon invaded ecosystems in the coast of Biobio Region. National Fund for Native Forest Research (FIBN), – National Forest Corporation (CONAF). PI: Cristian Echeverria, Collaborators: Aburto, F. Schmidt, C., Gatica, P.
Director, Research Project – Revegetation Pilot Plan Implementation of fly-ash landfill Bocamina Thermoelectric Plant. Research Contract ENEL – UDEC. Aburto, F. and Echeverria, C.
Principal Investigator, Effects of soil mineral -organic interactions on the long-term soil carbon stability in temperate forest systems -To what extent does soil mineralogy modulates carbon turnover in natural and managed forest ecosystems? CONICYT (National Committee of Research and Technology) – National Fund for Research and Innovation FONDECYT Initiation 2016. PI: Aburto, F.
Collaborator, Effect of drying and thawing cycles on soil carbon sequestration along soil development gradients formed in extreme environments of Chile. Network for Extreme Environment Research (NEXER). Ministry of Education. PI: Francisco Matus (UFRO) Merino, C, Aburto, F., Arriagada, C. ,Godoy, R., Boy, J., Lavín, P. Manosalva, Radic, S., L. Valdes, J., Valle,S.
Director, CONAF. Phase II: Anthropic disturbances effect evaluation in the regeneration of endangered Araucaria Araucana, Biobío Region. National Forest Corporation (CONAF). Aburto, F., Rodriguez, R., Muller, B.
Collaborator, Characterization of seasonal water use, plant water relations, microclimate conditions, fruit quality, and orchard productivity in protected cultivation of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa): Responses to sustained deficit irrigation in commercial production. National Committee for Research and Technology (CONICYT)- National Fund for Research and Innovation (FONDECYT) Initiation. PI: Arturo Calderón. Collaborator: Aburto, F. and Bambach, N.
Collaborator, Phosphorus solubilization by microorganisms and plants at different stages of soil development. German Science Foundation DFG-SPP Program 1803. EARTHSHAPE Earth Surface Shaping by Biota. Project IV Bioscapes: Project 10. PI: M, Spohn. University of Bayreuth.
Principal Investigator, Use of environmental compensation mechanisms for ecosystem services restoration through reforestation of native species (Roble, Raulí y Coihue). National Electric Company (ENEL) S.A. and University of Concepción. PI: Aburto, F., Echeverria, C.
Co-Coordinator Incorporation of an IRMS platform for isotopic and nutritional determination to evaluate forest hydrological and nutritional sustainability. National Committee of Research and Technology (CONICYT), Equipment National Fund (FONDEQUIP). Coordinators: R. Rubilar and F. Aburto. Fac. Cs. Forestales, UdeC.
Collaborator, Deficit irrigation and eddy covariance to increase water use efficiency in table grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Red Globe in the Metropolitan Region, Chile. National Committee of Research and Technology (CONICYT) Associative research program (PIA) 821320062 PI: A. Calderón (UdeC). Collaborator: Aburto, F.
Principal Investigator, Evaluation of Anthropic disturbances effects in the regeneration of endangered Araucaria Araucana, Biobío Region. National Forest Corporation (CONAF). PI: Aburto, F. Co-PI: Rodriguez, R. Real, P. Muller, B.
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